Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Recycling Bedsheets

What do you do when your sheets get a rip in them? For most of us, the first reaction is to throw them away and buy a new set. Maybe, if we’re feeling industrious, we might tear them up and use them for rags. Almost no one repairs them anymore. And even less...

Writing Update – Reckless Rebellion

It’s been a busy month. After not making my 50k goal for Camp NaNoWriMo in April (though I did write 30k), I’m determined to finish the second draft of Reckless Rebellion this month. So far, it’s not looking promising. I’ve written less than...

SFR Brigade Presents #3 – A Letter

Today’s SFR (Science Fiction Romance) Brigade Presents snippet is from near the beginning of Reckless Rescue. No prior information needed for this one I don’t think. SFR Brigade Presents are a snippets from a group of Sci-Fi Romance authors. Check them out...

Amanda Martin – Author Interview

Today I have author Amanda Martin here to talk about her writing, blogging, being a mum, and her YA fantasy novel, Dragon Wraiths. Have you always wanted to be an author, or did something else inspire you to write? First of all, thank you Rinelle for letting me visit...