SFR Brigade Presents #2 – Reckless Rebellion

This week I’m joining in with SFR (Science Fiction Romance) Brigade Presents, a group of Sci-Fi romance authors who post snippets every Friday. Check them out to discover other cool snippets. Today’s snippet is from near the beginning of Reckless...


In many different languages, there is more than one word for love, although I’m finding it hard to pin down how many. There are other words that have similar means (affection, fondness, adoration etc), but they’re really not replacements for the word love,...

4 Tips for Writing Sequels

When I first started writing Reckless Rebellion, I didn’t think it would be any different to writing the first book, Reckless Rescue. I mean, it’s just a book, right? And I already had half of it written. All I had to do was finish up the book, edit it,...

Reflections on the A to Z Blogging Challenge

This was my first year participating in the A to Z blogging challenge, and I only heard about it in March. I wasn’t too sure about signing up, because I’d already committed to Camp NaNoWriMo, and I suspected two challenges in the one month was a good idea!...

SFR Brigade Presents – Reckless Rescue

This week I’m joining in with SFR (Science Fiction Romance) Brigade Presents, a group of Sci-Fi romance authors who post snippets every Friday. Check them out to discover other cool snippets. Today’s snippet is from near the beginning my SFR novel,...