U is for Urslat

Urslat is Tyris’s home planet, and the central planet in the Colonies. It was the first one that was settled, and is where the bulk of the population lives. Unfortunately, due to this, it’s severely overpopulated. Since this is a problem we will...

T is for Tyris

Tyris is the other main character in my novel, Reckless Rescue, and a favourite of mine. I found him much easier to write than Marlee, perhaps because he isn’t anything like me at all. Nor is he the typical ‘Alpha Male’ that many romance novels seem...

S is for Security

I had a couple of ideas in my A to Z list for S. But then last week, my blog was hacked. It wasn’t major, and doesn’t appear to have been malicious, and probably no one but me even noticed. The only reason I realised was that I checked my blog on my ipad...

R is for Reckless Rescue

The Journey of a Novel I’ve wanted to write since I was a kid, but it wasn’t until November 2006 that I got serious about it. By January 2007, I’d finished my first 120,000 word first draft. Then I started on the sequel. For a while, I thought I...

Q is for Questions

What place do questions have in novels? I’m not talking about the questions characters ask each other, but rather, the ones they ask themselves. After all, aren’t many of our internal thoughts questions? Will I get home before it rains? Can I afford...