by Rinelle Grey | J Nov, 2012
And today, we come to the final step in the editing journey. You’ve checked your main ideas, made sure all your scenes are relevant to the theme and your character’s journey, checked for extraneous words, and made sure that you are showing, not telling....
by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2012
I’m in the thick of editing right now, so there might be a bit of a break of posts. But my “How Motherhood Taught Me to Accept Critiques” post is listed over ath the Carinval of the Indies roundup. So go check out some of the other great posts...
by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2012
Marlee and Tyris have made plans to try to repair his ship the next day, and only now, as they are settling down for the night, does Tyris think to voice his questions. ***** “Why am I here, in your house I mean? Not that I mind, but isn’t there somewhere, well, more...
by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2012
Ready for proofreading? Well, we’re not quite there yet. First, we need to read over the story for things that don’t make sense, places where your characters change. While editing, I discovered that in one scene, Marlee noted that Tyris’s cheeks were...
by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2012
If you haven’t heard of NaNoWriMo, then it’s worth checking out. Each year, thousands of participants flock to the webpage, to join in the trials and triumphs of writing a 50,000 word novel in a single month. Some will complete the month with a crazy,...