by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2012
I’ve shared a couple of excerpts of Marlee’s story in my last few Six Sentence Sunday offering’s, so I think today it’s time to learn a bit more about Tyris. I open Tyris’s first scene with a dream sequence, to give just a taste of his...
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2012
I finished the second draft of Reckless Rescue last Saturday, it’s now down to the hard slog of editing. The edit I just finished was largely a content edit. I added in a lot of new scenes and changed the plot in many others. I feel like I now have the basics of...
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2012
Last week I shared the opening of my novel, Reckless Rescue. Since that post, I’ve passed the novel to my sister to read through for me, and she had a different view on where the opening should be. So today I thought I’d share her take on the beginning....
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2012
Sorry I’ve been kind of absent lately, both here on my blog, and on Twitter and Facebook. Instead I’ve been focusing on Reckless Rescue. I’ve known I was close to the finish for several daywriting editing through these last few chapters has really...
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2012
This week I’m sharing the beginning of my novel, Reckless Rescue, due out in November. *** Marlee heard boots stomping mud off on the rush mat outside the door, and drew in a shaky breath, trying to calm the sobs. She scrubbed hastily at her eyes with her apron...