Finding time to write

As a mum, finding time to write is hard.  As a mum who home-schools and works from home it’s even harder. It’s something I’ve struggled with since starting writing in 2006. At first, I took advantage of the times when my daughter napped, or went to bed....

Six Sentence Sunday – Contentment

These six sentences are from my WIP (work in progress), Reckless Rescue, due for release in November. *** The oil lamps were lit, bathing the room in a warm glow.  Something swirled in Tyris’s brain, an amorphous feeling he couldn’t quite name. Then it hit him...

Why More and More People are Choosing Indie publishing

Why do authors self-publish?  Some people say that writers self publish because they aren’t good enough to be traditionally published.  I say speak for yourself! And so do many other authors, such as Ruth Cardello, who has turned down a 7-figure publishing deal...

Designing the Cover of Reckless Rescue

Here it is! The cover of my first novel, Reckless Rescue, due for release in November. Designing a book cover was a new experience for me, made much easier (and a lot more fun) by the help of my talented sister who chose the fonts and designed the layout.  I just sat...

Why I Write Fantasy and Science Fiction

I’ve loved fantasy since I discovered Anne McCaffrey’s Dragons of Pern series in high school.  So in some ways, it’s no surprise that when I started to write, I choose fantasy.  But the more I tried to write fantasy, the more it became focused on the...