by Rinelle Grey | J Apr, 2013
Love is a topic that has fascinated writers for ages. Whether it is the main storyline, in books such as Pride and Prejudice, or a sub-plot in epic stories such as Star Wars, most stories include at least an element of romance. So why is love such a popular topic?...
by Rinelle Grey | J Apr, 2013
If you’re writing a romance of any description, or even just a story with romantic undertones, chances are there is going to be kissing. And what’s so hard to write about a kiss, you might think. At least it’s not sex, right? Well, surprisingly,...
by Rinelle Grey | J Apr, 2013
No, I’m not going to be talking about throwing balls up in the air. I’m talking about juggling the many roles and responsibilities we all have. I had planned, when I wrote my list for the A to Z challenge, to try to offer some advice, and some ways to deal...
by Rinelle Grey | J Apr, 2013
You would think, an author’s job being to write words, that we wouldn’t have much use for images. But the reverse is true. You’ll need an image for the cover of your novel at the very least, possibly more than one. (The cover of Reckless Rescue uses...
by Rinelle Grey | J Apr, 2013
Authors seem so far distant from readers. Even in today’s world, where they have blogs, Facebook pages and twitter accounts, it still seems as if they’re apart from everyone else. As though they have all the answers, and can do it all. But it’s not...