G is for Genre

Is genre still useful in today’s book world? With the advent of self-publishing especially, the old categories are being blurred, and the genre lines are frequently being crossed. As we deviate more and more from the ‘norm’ of stories and genre, is...

F is for Facebook Ads

There are many different places you can advertise your book. Goodreads advertising space, Google ad words, Facebook and many small independent blogs and book sites. So why did I choose Facebook? OK, you got me. I had a free $50 voucher for Facebook advertising that I...

E is for Editors

Hiring an editor is one of those hot topics in self-publishing. Something no one should do without. It has even been said recently, on one popular blog, that if you can’t afford to hire an editor, then you shouldn’t be self-publishing. I agree that editors...

D is for Doing Without

Doing without is something the characters in my novel, Reckless Rescue, have had to learn to live with. When their planet was threatened by a life ending meteor, the political leaders fled, taking with them the valuable research and scientists, leaving everyone else...

C is for Camp NaNoWriMo

As if the A to Z challenge wasn’t challenging enough, this month I’m also doing Camp NaNoWriMo. Anyone who is a writer has probably heard of NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month. If you haven’t, it’s kind of like the A to Z challenge,...