by Rinelle Grey | J Nov, 2016
You may have noticed this picture on my little motivational lightbox when I posted my office pictures on Facebook the other day. (If you're not already following me on Facebook, why not!) Yes, there is a story. Some of you may be aware that November is NaNoWriMo...
by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2015
I’ve written before about the face that I’m a pantser not a plotter, but as NaNo approaches, and I know I want to get the rough draft of Reckless Remedy out as quickly as possible, I’ve been listening to the lure of plotting. It has a lot to...
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2015
I had a pretty busy day today. I put together a (premade) shade house, planted a plot of corn, watermelons and zucchinis, planted out 8 trees, cleaned out the duck pond, added a couple of wheelbarrows of mulch around it, planted out 5 trays of seeds, put up some...
by Rinelle Grey | J Mar, 2014
As a sci-fi and fantasy writer, I don’t write stories set in our world. Instead, my stories exist in worlds that I’ve made up inside my head. I’m not bound by the constraints of reality, or the technology that currently exists. I don’t even...
by Rinelle Grey | J Feb, 2014
While it may seem that each novel is completely different, most of them have an underlying structure that has a surprising number of similarities. This is the basic structure I use for my novels, so I’m going to demonstrate it using those. I’m willing to...