by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2013
We all know that feeling. You’re part way through your draft, or even maybe into your edit, when you realise something horrible, awful, terrible. You have no explanation for why the evil baddy is determined to exterminate your character from the face of the...
by Rinelle Grey | J Oct, 2013
One of the most important things, when writing in third person point of view, is to make sure the reader knows who’s head their in, preferably within the first sentence. It’s no use opening a chapter with a big description of the surrounding scene, if the...
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2013
I wasn’t going to write a blog post today. I spent the day at the park, chatting with some friends while my daughter played, and I came home sunburnt, and with a headache! But then I went across and read Joel Friedlander’s post on Why You Should be...
by Rinelle Grey | J Sep, 2013
This is one of those topics that seems to divide both readers and writers equally. From the classic “I looked in the mirror and surveyed my straight blonde hair and blue eyes critically”, to the more subtle descriptions of a character’s physical...
by Rinelle Grey | J Aug, 2013
For the last week or two, I’ve been struggling to get much done. Some of this is due to other things that are happening, but a lot is also due to having quite a list of things that need to be done, and no clear priorities. Sometimes, I have the idea that I can...